Community Services Building

440 Civic Center Plaza

Richmond, CA  94804



Wednesday, July 22, 2020

4:30 p.m.






Link to City Council Agendas/Packets


Register to receive notification of new agendas, etc.




Vice Mayor

Thomas K. Butt


Nathaniel Bates


Ben Choi

Demnlus Johnson III

Eduardo Martinez

Jael Myrick

Melvin Willis




Housing Authority Tenant Commissioners

Jaycine Scott







Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Contra Costa County and Governor Gavin

Newsom have issued multiple orders requiring sheltering in place, social distancing, and reduction of person-to-person contact.   Accordingly, Governor Gavin Newsom has issued executive orders that allow cities to hold public meetings via teleconferencing.  Both and provide updated coronavirus information.


DUE TO THE SHELTER IN PLACE ORDERS, attendance at the City of Richmond City Council meeting will be limited to Council members, essential City of Richmond staff, and members of the news media. Public comment will be confined to items appearing on the agenda and will be limited to the methods provided below. Consistent with Executive Order N-29-20, this meeting will utilize teleconferencing only.  The following provides information on how the public can participate in this meeting.


How to watch the meeting from home:


  1. KCRT – Comcast Channel 28 or AT&T Uverse Channel 99
  2. Livestream online at


Public comments may be submitted in only one of the following ways:



  1. Via email to by 3:00 p.m.


Emails MUST contain in the subject line 1) public comment for Closed Session. All such email will be posted on-line and emailed to the City Council before the meeting is called to order.  The Clerk will prepare summaries of all such email and the summaries will be read into the record. No email will be read into the record.  Due to the high volume of emails received, emails that do not contain the correct identifying information in the subject line may be overlooked and may not become part of the record.


  1. Via Telephone or Email.  Email your telephone number with area code or Email your comment to after 4:25 p.m. Email MUST contain in the subject line 1) public comment for Closed Session.  You will be called during the public comment period and you will be given the opportunity to verbally submit public comment or your comment will be read into the record by the Clerk (not to exceed the allotted time – one, two or three minutes – for such comments as provided below). Due to the high volume of emails received, emails that do not contain the correct identifying information in the subject line may be overlooked and may not become part of the record.



The City cannot guarantee that its network and/or the site will be uninterrupted. To ensure that the City Council receives your comments, you are strongly encouraged to submit your comments in writing in advance of the meeting.




Record of all public comments:


All public comments will be considered a public record, put into the official meeting record.  All public comments will be available after the meeting as supplemental materials and will be posted as an attachment to the meeting minutes when the minutes are posted:


Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities

Upon request, the City will provide for written agenda materials in appropriate alternative formats, or disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services and sign language interpreters, to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in and provide comments at/related to public meetings. Please submit a request, including your name, phone number and/or email address, and a description of the modification, accommodation, auxiliary aid, service or alternative format requested at least two days before the meeting.  Requests should be emailed to or submitted by phone at 510-620-6513, ext. 9, or 510-620-6509.  Requests made by mail to City Clerk’s Office, City Council meeting, 450 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 must be received at least two days before the meeting. Requests will be granted whenever possible and resolved in favor of accessibility.



Effect of Advisory on In-person public participation


During the pendency of the Executive Order N-29-20, the language in this Advisory portion of the agenda supersedes any language below in the meeting procedures contemplating in-person public comment.









The City of Richmond encourages community participation at its City Council meetings and has established procedures that are intended to accommodate public input in a timely and

time-sensitive way.  As a courtesy to all members of the public who wish to participate in City Council meetings, please observe the following procedures:


PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMSAnyone who desires to address the City Council on items appearing on the agenda must complete and file a pink speaker’s card with the City Clerk prior to the City Council’s consideration of the item.  Once the City Clerk has announced the item, no person shall be permitted to speak on the item other than those persons who have submitted their names to the City Clerk.  Your name will be called when the item is announced for discussion.  Each speaker will be allowed up to TWO (2) MINUTES to address the City Council on NON-PUBLIC HEARING items listed on the agenda. Speakers are allowed up to THREE (3) minutes on PUBLIC HEARING items.


CONDUCT AT MEETINGS:  Richmond City Council meetings are limited public forums during which the City strives to provide an open, safe atmosphere and promote robust public debate. Members of the public, however, must comply with state law, as well as the City’s laws and procedures and may not actually disrupt the orderly conduct of these meetings. The public, for example, may not shout or use amplifying devices, must submit comment cards and speak during their allotted time, may not create a physical disturbance, may not speak on matters unrelated to issues within the jurisdiction of the City Council or the agenda item at hand, and may not cause immediate threats to public safety.


CITY HARASSMENT POLICY:  The City invites public comment and critique about its operations, including comment about the performance of its public officials and employees, at the public meetings of the City Council and boards and commissions. However, discriminatory or harassing comments about or in the presence of City employees, even comments by third parties, may create a hostile work environment, if severe or pervasive. The City prohibits harassment against an applicant, employee, or contractor on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, medical condition, mental disability, marital status, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, age or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law.  In order to acknowledge the public’s right to comment on City operations at public meetings, which could include comments that violate the City’s harassment policy if such comments do not cause an actual disruption under the Council Rules and Procedures, while taking reasonable steps to protect City employees from discrimination and harassment, City Boards and Commissions shall adhere to the following procedures.  If any person makes a harassing remark at a public meeting that violates the above City policy prohibiting harassment, the presiding officer of the meeting may, at the conclusion of the speaker’s remarks and allotted time: (a) remind the public that the City’s Policy Regarding Harassment of its Employees is contained in the written posted agenda; and (b) state that comments in violation of City policy are not condoned by the City and will play no role in City decisions.  If any person makes a harassing remark at a public meeting that violates the above City policy, any City employee in the room who is offended by remarks violating the City’s policy is excused from attendance at the meeting. No City employee is compelled to remain in attendance where it appears likely that speakers will make further harassing comments.


If an employee leaves a City meeting for this reason, the presiding officer may send a designee to notify any offended employee who has left the meeting when those comments are likely concluded so that the employee may return to the meeting. The presiding officer may remind an employee or any council or board or commission member that he or she may leave the meeting if a remark violating the City’s harassment policy is made.  These procedures supplement the Council Rules and Procedures relating to disruption of orderly conduct at Council meetings.



Any law enforcement officer on duty or whose service is commanded by the presiding officer shall be Sergeant-at-Arms of the Council meetings.  He/she, or they, shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the presiding officer for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Council meetings (City Council Rules of Procedure and Order Section III F, RMC Section 2.12.030).






4:30 p.m.













Shimada Room of the Community Services Building






CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (paragraph (1) of Subdivision [d] of Government Code Section 54956.9):



San Francisco Baykeeper and West County Toxics Coalition v. City of Richmond



CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9):



One Case



CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6):



Agency Representatives: Jack Hughes

Employee organizations:

1.     SEIU Local 1021 Full Time Unit

2.     SEIU Local 1021 Part Time Unit

3.     IFPTE Local 21 Mid-Level Management Unit

4.     IFPTE Local 21 Executive Management Unit

5.     Richmond Police Officers Association RPOA

6.     Richmond Police Management Association RPMA

7.     IAFF Local 188

8.     Richmond Fire Management Association RFMA










This agenda may be previewed on KCRT – Channel 28, Richmond Television,

City website Any documents produced by the City and distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available at the

Main Counter at City Hall located at 450 Civic Center Plaza.