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APPROVE a $40,000 amendment to the legal services agreement with the law firm of Burke Williams, & Sorensen, LLP for general municipal and personnel matters for a total amount not to exceed $140,000 – City Attorney’s Office (Heather Mc Laughlin 510-620-6509).
PDF Document  APPROVE a $40,000 amendment to the legal services - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a $40,000 amendment to the legal services - Agenda Report - Legal Services Agreement Burke Litigation.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE a $40,000 amendment to the legal services - Attachment 1 – Third Amendment to Legal Services Agreement.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a $40,000 amendment to the legal services - Attachment 2 – Second Amendment to Legal Services Agreement.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a $40,000 amendment to the legal services - Attachment 3 – First Amendment to Legal Services Agreement.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a $40,000 amendment to the legal services - Attachment 4 – Legal Services Agreement with Burke, Williams and Sorensen.pdf