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APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Technology, an analytic platform that integrates data to provide for greater case solvability, in an amount not to exceed $1,097,500 ($219,500 annually), from November 1, 2021, to October 31, 2026 - Police Department (Acting Chief Louie Tirona 510-621-1802).
PDF Document  APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Techno - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Techno - 12.07.21 (RPD) - Peregrine Technologies.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Techno - Data Integration RFP.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Techno - Bid Project Report.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Techno - Standard Contract_Peregrine Technology.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Techno - Sanctuary City Compliance Certification.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a five-year contract with Peregrine Techno - IT Authorization - signed.pdf