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APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa County for Coordinated Outreach Referral and Engagement (CORE) services to continue service to the City of Richmond for Fiscal Year 2021/2022, at a cost not to exceed $144,333, from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022 - Police Department (Acting Chief Louie Tirona 510-621-1802).
PDF Document  APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa C - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa C - 12.07.21 (RPD) - CORE Services.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa C - CORE Sole-Source FY22 SIGNED.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa C - CORE Standard Contract FY22.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa C - CORE OCTOBER 2018 Standard-Contract-8-03-09-updated.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa C - Richmond San Pablo CORE Budget 2021-2022 60-40 split.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a sole-source contract with Contra Costa C - CORE Insurance.pdf