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APPROVE an employment agreement with Shasa Curl as Interim Richmond City Manager, providing for a three-month term commencing December 2, 2021, to February 3, 2022, at an initial base salary of $21,250 per month (approximately $364,602 total compensation if calculated on an annual basis), with subsequent salary increases subject to a satisfactory performance evaluation, and other specified employment terms - Human Resource Management Department (Marc Fox 510-620-6602).
PDF Document  APPROVE an employment agreement with Shasa Curl as - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE an employment agreement with Shasa Curl as - Agenda Report - Interim City Manager Agreement - 11-16-21.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE an employment agreement with Shasa Curl as - Employment Agreement - Interim City Manager.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE an employment agreement with Shasa Curl as - ICMA.PDF