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ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE a $750,000 Priority Development Area (PDA) grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC); and APPROVE contract amendment no. 1 with Environmental Science Associates (ESA) in the amount of $850,000, not to exceed a total amount of $1,450,000, through December 31, 2023, to assist the City in preparing the Hilltop Specific Plan - Community Development Department (Lina Velasco 510-620-6706). This item was continued from the November 2, 2021, meeting.
PDF Document  ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE a $750,000 Priority Develop - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE a $750,000 Priority Develop - Staff Report - ESA Amend. No. 1_Acceptance Grant.doc
PDF Document  ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE a $750,000 Priority Develop - Attachment No. 1 - ESA- Contract Amendment No. 1.pdf
PDF Document  ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE a $750,000 Priority Develop - Attachment No. 2 - EXECUTED Contract - ESA Planning Consulting.pdf