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ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE into the Fiscal Year 2021/22 budget a Pacific Library Partnership grant in the amount of $10,000 and APPROVE an agreement with the Pacific Library Partnership to purchase Playaway-branded early learning and audiobook devices for Children's Services by June 30, 2022 - Library and Community Services Department (LaShonda White 510-620-6828/Jane Pratt 510-620-5452/Christopher Larsen 510-620-5524).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE into - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE into - Agenda Report PLP Grant 11-16-21.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE into - PLP_Resolution.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE into - PLPAwardLetter.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE into - PLP 2021-22 Grant Reimbursement.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE into - Grant Reporting Form.docx