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ADOPT a resolution to approve the collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Exempt Management Employees represented by IFPTE Local 21 and direct the city manager or designee to update the publicly available salary schedule with the adopted wage increases during the term of the collective bargaining agreement - Human Resources Management Department (Marc Fox 510-620-6600).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to approve the collective barga - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to approve the collective barga - STAFF.REPORT.UNREPRESENTED.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to approve the collective barga - IPTE.EXEC.MGMT.MOU.RESOLUTION.11.16.21.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to approve the collective barga - Richmond Executive Management MOU 2021-07-01 v11.03.21 RLO.pdf