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Supporting Materials
RECEIVE a written update on the development of a city-wide Community Benefits Policy - City Manager's Office (Shasa Curl 510-620-6606).
PDF Document  RECEIVE a written update on the development of a c - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a written update on the development of a c - Staff Report - Community Benefits Policy Update DRAFT 101721.docx
PDF Document  RECEIVE a written update on the development of a c - Attachment 1 - CBP Community Input Meeting Final.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a written update on the development of a c - Attachment 2 - CBP Community Input Meeting Jamboards Oct. 13th &14th Final.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a written update on the development of a c - Attachment 3 - CBP Community Input Sessions Notes Oct. 13th &14th.pdf