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DIRECT staff (city attorney) to review University of California Berkeley's research, the City Charter and other relevant legal authority to determine if the City Council has the authority to extend voting rights to undocumented Richmond residents to participate in local elections and, upon completion, DIRECT staff to present their findings to Council and, if authority exists, agendize an item for Council to consider such voting rights extension - Councilmember Claudia Jimenez (510-620-6565), Councilmember Eduardo Martinez (510-620-6593) and Vice Mayor Demnlus Johnson III (510-620-6568). This item was continued from the July 6, 2021, and cancelled July 20, 2021, meeting.
PDF Document  DIRECT staff (city attorney) to review University - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  DIRECT staff (city attorney) to review University - Agenda Report- undocumented resident voting rights_.docx
PDF Document  DIRECT staff (city attorney) to review University - Jimenez Attachment 1-Undocumented Residents Voting Rights-Memo, City of Richmond, Non-Citizen Voting Rights.pages
PDF Document  DIRECT staff (city attorney) to review University - Jimenez Attachment 2 - Undocument Residents Voting Rights - CCC New Americans.pdf