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APPROVE an amendment to the legal services agreement with the law firm of Burke, Williams &Sorensen, LLP for services rendered from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023, for general municipal and personnel matters - City Attorney's Office (Teresa L. Stricker 510-620-6509). This item was continued from the cancelled July 20, 2021, meeting.
PDF Document  APPROVE an amendment to the legal services agreeme - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE an amendment to the legal services agreeme - Agenda Report - Legal Services Agreement with Burke Williams for General Municipal and Personnel Matters.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE an amendment to the legal services agreeme - 2021-07-21(amend1)(cao)(BWS) muni law and personnel.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE an amendment to the legal services agreeme - 2020-05-25(Xcntrct)(BWS)(cor) municipal law advice.pdf