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APPROVE a legal services agreement in the amount of $80,000 with Oppenheimer Investigations Group LLP to conduct personnel investigations and a first amendment in an amount of $40,000 to an existing legal services agreement with the law firm of Bertrand, Fox, Elliot, Osman & Wenzel for a total contract amount of $50,000 to provide ongoing labor and employment legal advice to the Human Resources Department - Human Resources Department (Marc Fox 510-620-6602). This item was continued from the cancelled July 20, 2021, meeting.
PDF Document  APPROVE a legal services agreement in the amount o - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a legal services agreement in the amount o - Staff Report - LSA_final.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a legal services agreement in the amount o - Attachment 1 - Legal Services Agreement - Oppenheimer.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a legal services agreement in the amount o - Attachment 2 - Retainer Agreement - Law Office of Amy Oppenheimer.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a legal services agreement in the amount o - Attachment 3 - First Amendment to a Legal Services Agreement Bertrand Fox Elliot Osman.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a legal services agreement in the amount o - Attachment 4 Legal Services Agreement - Bertrand Fox Elliot Osman Wenzel.pdf