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DISCUSS and PROVIDE direction to staff to implement a street sweeping pilot program that engages stakeholders, characteristic of the diversity of communities within the City and conforms to the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit - Public Works Department (Joe Leach 510-620-5478).
PDF Document  DISCUSS and PROVIDE direction to staff to implemen - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  DISCUSS and PROVIDE direction to staff to implemen - STREET SWEEPING STAFF REPORT - 7-27-21_072321 v1.docx
PDF Document  DISCUSS and PROVIDE direction to staff to implemen - Att 1 - Richmond_D_StreetSweeping2021.pdf
PDF Document  DISCUSS and PROVIDE direction to staff to implemen - Att 2 - CA RWQCB - R2-2009-0074_select pages.pdf
PDF Document  DISCUSS and PROVIDE direction to staff to implemen - Att 4 - revised added option for Street Sweeping Program (with green jobs)_072021.pdf