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ADOPT a resolution approving a one-year term contract and two optional one-year extensions, with NBS a financial consulting group to prepare the indirect cost allocation and Title 2 CFR compliance plans in an amount not to exceed $50,000 ending August 1, 2024 - Richmond Housing Authority/Finance (Anil Comelo/Nannette Beacham 510-620-6740).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution approving a one-year term contr - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution approving a one-year term contr - Staff Report - Indirect Cost Allocation RHA Final.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution approving a one-year term contr - Attachment 1 - RHA RESOLUTION - NBS Contract Amendment - Final.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution approving a one-year term contr - Attachment 2 - RHA Contract - NBS Cost Allocation Final.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution approving a one-year term contr - Attachment 3 - PHARS 2019 signed.pdf