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HOLD a public hearing and ADOPT a resolution approving a report of sewer service charges for Fiscal Year 2021-22 allowing for the sanitary and stormwater fees to be collected on the annual 2021-22 tax rolls - Public Works Department (Joe Leach/Mary Phelps 510-620-5478).
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing and ADOPT a resolution appro - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing and ADOPT a resolution appro - Agenda report - Directors Report 2021-22.docx
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing and ADOPT a resolution appro - Attachment 2 - Notice of Public Hearing 2021-22 - publication copy.docx
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing and ADOPT a resolution appro - Attachment 3 - Ordinance No. 09-20 N.S. Sewer Use Fees.pdf