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ADOPT a resolution appropriating funds from the 2019A Wastewater Bond proceeds and APPROVE Veolia Water to manage and award contracts for the BAAQMD permitting for the Grit Removal, Aeration Process Upgrade Project to Yorke Engineering, LLC ("Yorke") and to be managed by Veolia Water in an amount not to exceed $19,139 [project cost of $16,428 plus a 16.5 percent mark-up of $2,711] - Public Works Department (Joe Leach 510-620-5478).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution appropriating funds from the 20 - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution appropriating funds from the 20 - Agenda Staff Report - Yoirke Engineering BAAQMD Permit Project-final.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution appropriating funds from the 20 - Attachment 1 - Resolution for Yorke Engineering - BAAQMD Permits-final.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution appropriating funds from the 20 - Attachment 2 - TA for BAAQMD Permitting and ATC signed by Veolia_mp.pdf