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DIRECT staff to improve collection, analysis and publication of data relating to small businesses, and to make recommendations on how to support small businesses to obtain funding and other opportunities available at the state and federal level. Staff will bring proposal to the city council in 45 days - Councilmembers Claudia Jimenez (620-6565) and Melvin Willis (412-2050).
PDF Document  DIRECT staff to improve collection, analysis and p - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  DIRECT staff to improve collection, analysis and p - Jimenez AR Small business resolution (CJ MW) 4-28-21 tls3595.docx
PDF Document  DIRECT staff to improve collection, analysis and p - Jimenez Small Business Support Attachment 1- Restaurant Outreach Presentation.pdf
PDF Document  DIRECT staff to improve collection, analysis and p - Jimenez Small Business Support Attachment 2- Richmond Small Business Survey.pdf
PDF Document  DIRECT staff to improve collection, analysis and p - Jimenez Small Business Support Attachment 3- Independent Restaurant Coalition Resources Package.pdf
PDF Document  DIRECT staff to improve collection, analysis and p - Jimenez Small Business Support Attachment 4- PPE by Zip Code.pdf