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ADOPT an urgency ordinance enacting a temporary moratorium on certain evictions of residential tenants in Richmond impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through the state of the local emergency and 60 days thereafter, or in the alternative, INTRODUCE an ordinance (first reading) enacting a temporary moratorium on certain evictions of residential tenants in Richmond impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through the state of the local emergency and 60 days thereafter - Councilmembers Gayle McLaughlin (620-6636) and Melvin Willis (412-2050).
PDF Document  ADOPT an urgency ordinance enacting a temporary mo - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT an urgency ordinance enacting a temporary mo - McLaughlin Willis AR Eviction Moratorium Ord Agenda Report 3_23_21.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT an urgency ordinance enacting a temporary mo - McLaughlin Attachment 1 - Richmond COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Urgency Ordinance_FINAL.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT an urgency ordinance enacting a temporary mo - McLaughlin Attachment 2 - Richmond COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Regular Ordinance_FINAL.docx