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APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000. The proposed contract amendment would extend the term of the contract for five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $3,500,000 - Police Department (Chief Bisa French 621-1802).
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - Axon Agenda Report Amended - final.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - 2020-11-17 Contract Amendment.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - 2020-11-17 Axon Enterprise (Current Contract).pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - 2020-11-17 IT Authorization (Axon) - signed.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - 2020-11-19 City of Richmond Sanctuary City Compliance Statement.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - 2020-11-17 Certificate of Insurance.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - 2020-10-17 Richmond CA Busn Lic Tax Cert - Expires 07-17-2021 Lic 4004-9430.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract amendment with Axon Enterprise - 2020-09-17 Richmond MSPA 2020-09-16 (1).pdf