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Supporting Materials
APPROVE Amendment No. 2 to the Auto Warehousing (AWC) lease agreement - Port Department (Jim Matzorkis 215-4600).
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 2 to the Auto Warehousing (A - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 2 to the Auto Warehousing (A - AWC Agenda Report.docx
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 2 to the Auto Warehousing (A - AWC First Amendment.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 2 to the Auto Warehousing (A - 2nd Amend Restat Lease Ag_Executed.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 2 to the Auto Warehousing (A - AWC Site Map Including Cafeteria Parking Lot.pdf