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Supporting Materials
RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmond's draft inventory of all leased and owned properties and designations for Surplus Land and Exempt Surplus Land - City Manager's Office (Shasa Curl/Thomas Omolo 620-6512).
PDF Document  RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmonds draft - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmonds draft - AB 1486 Surplus Properties StudySession_Staff Report Final.docx
PDF Document  RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmonds draft - DRAFT Attachment 1 - City’s Property Inventory of Leased and Owned Properties.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmonds draft - DRAFT Attachment 2 - Surplus Properties.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmonds draft - DRAFT Attachment 3 - Additional Properties to Reposition.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmonds draft - DRAFT Attachment 4 - Surplus Properties and Exempt Surplus Properties - Booklet.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE an update on the City of Richmonds draft - Attachment 5 - Powerpoint.pdf