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APPROVE a contract with HR&A Advisors, Inc. to provide technical assistance to complete an Economic Development Action Plan (EDAP), which consists of a Short-Term Local Business Recovery Action Plan (STLBRAP) and a Business and Investment Attraction Strategy (BIAS) for a contract amount of $140,000, and a contingency amount of $20,000, for a total contract amount not to exceed $160,000, and term ending December 31, 2021 - City Manager's Office (Shasa Curl 620-6512).
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract with HR&A Advisors, Inc. to pro - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract with HR&A Advisors, Inc. to pro - FINAL Staff Report - EDAP RFQ.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract with HR&A Advisors, Inc. to pro - Attachment 1 - Standard Contract - HR&A.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract with HR&A Advisors, Inc. to pro - Attachment 2 - EDAP_RFQ_8.7.2020.pdf