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AUTHORIZE the city attorney to draft an amendment to Measures E and K, to be placed on the November 2020 ballot, that will cap the maximum general fund allocation for Measures E and K with an amount equal to the net increase in revenue resulting from Measure H for each fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for the budget being adopted and to provide for an emergency waiver of Section 6 of Measure E - Office of the Mayor (Mayor Tom Butt 620-6503). This item was continued from the May 26, 2020, meeting.
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE the city attorney to draft an amendment - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE the city attorney to draft an amendment - Agenda Report - Right-sizing Kids First 5-26-20.doc
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE the city attorney to draft an amendment - 05.26.2020 FY 2017-18 Kids First Youth Programs Data Request.xlsx