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REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Annual Operating Budget and Fiscal Years 2020-25 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan – Finance Department (Belinda Brown 620-6740/Markisha Guillory 620-5434).
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Staff Report - FY2020-21 Budget Adoption 6.30.2020 FINAL.doc
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Attachment 1 - Budget Summaries.pdf
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Attachment 2 - Revenue Enhancement Sheet.pdf
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Attachment 3 - Multi-YearPosition Listing.pdf
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Attachment 4 - Requests for Position Changes.pdf
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Attachment 5 - Operating Budget Resolution.doc
PDF Document  REVIEW and ACCEPT final budget projections for the - Attachment 6 - Capital Improvement Plan Budget Resolution.doc