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ADOPT a resolution amending Resolution 41-20 (ratifying the Director of Emergency Services' Second Supplemental Order) by amending that Order to extend the grace period to pay back rent for residential and commercial tenants financially impacted by COVID-19 - City Council Office (Councilmembers Jael Myrick 620-6636 and Melvin Willis 412-2050).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution amending Resolution 41-20 (rati - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution amending Resolution 41-20 (rati - 2020 Myrick Willis Amend order 41-20 to Extend Grace Period for Rent.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution amending Resolution 41-20 (rati - 2020 Myrick CC reso Amending Second Supplemental Order to extend grace period.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution amending Resolution 41-20 (rati - 41-20 CC reso Ratifying Second Supplemental Order - CONFORMED - Adopted 5-5-2020.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution amending Resolution 41-20 (rati - Exhibit A - Second Supplimental Order - Reso 34-20.pdf