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RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc., Point Molate Partners, Samuelson Schafer, and SunCal regarding their proposals for development at Point Molate - Planning and Building Services Department (Lina Velasco 620-6706).
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc. - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc. - Staff Report_021219.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc. - Attachment No. 1 - RFP and Addenda.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc. - Attachment No. 2 - Orton Development RFP Response.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc. - Attachment No. 3 - Point Molate Partners RFP Response.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc. - Attachment No. 4 - Samuelson Schafer RFP Response.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations from Orton Development, Inc. - Attachment No. 5 - SunCal RFP Response.pdf