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HOLD a public hearing regarding approval of a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with SAA-EVI Richmond Partners, LLC for the development of the Successor Agency and city-owned property located along Nevin Avenue, North; Macdonald, South; 13th Street, East; and 11th Street, West; and authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute the final form of the DDA - City Manager's Office (Shasa Curl/Gabino Arredondo 620-6512). This item was continued from the July 17, 2018, meeting.
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing regarding approval of a Disp - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing regarding approval of a Disp - Staff Report 12th St and Macdonald DDA - 7-24-18 Final.docx
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing regarding approval of a Disp - Attachment_1_12th_and_Macdonald.pdf
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing regarding approval of a Disp - Attachment 2 - DDA Agenda Report Version.pdf
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing regarding approval of a Disp - Attachment 3 - KMA Summary report.pdf