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RECEIVE a presentation on the proposed schedule for the Point Molate land use visioning and master developer selection process; APPROVE a contract, not to exceed $250,000 with Wallace Roberts & Todd LLC, to facilitate development of a land use vision for Point Molate; and AUTHORIZE the City Manager or his designee to issue a request for qualifications (RFQ) from master developers for the Point Molate site - Planning and Building Services Department (Richard Mitchell 620-6706).
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation on the proposed schedule fo - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation on the proposed schedule fo - May 22 staff report.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation on the proposed schedule fo - Attachment 1 -2018-04-12 Judgment On Claims.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation on the proposed schedule fo - Attachment 2 - Contract with WRT.pdf