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RECEIVE presentations for the development of the Metro Walk Phase II at Richmond Multi-Modal Transit Station project (Project), DESIGNATE a development team for the Project, and AUTHORIZE the City Manager and Executive Director of the Successor Agency to assign the existing Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) for the Project to the designated development team, and to negotiate and execute all necessary amendments to the DDA and agreements with the designated development team to effectuate the development of the Project - City Manager's Office (Shasa Curl/Gabino Arredondo 620-6606).
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations for the development of the M - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations for the development of the M - Staff Report - Metro Walk Phase II presentations and assignment v11 final.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations for the development of the M - Attachment_1_Downtown_Housing_Pipeline_Map.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations for the development of the M - Attachment_2_Metro_walk_Phase_II_RFQP.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE presentations for the development of the M - Attachment_3_Metro_Walk_Phase_II_Evaluation_Matrix.pdf