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HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifying the Richmond Bay Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (State Clearinghouse #2014092082), adopting a Statement of Overriding Consideration, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and approving a General Plan Amendment; and INTRODUCE an ordinance (first reading) repealing the Knox-Cutting Specific Plan, adopting the Richmond Bay Specific Plan, and approving a Zoning Map Amendment - Planning and Building Services Department (Richard Mitchell/Lina Velasco 620-6706).
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - RBSP_CC Agenda Report_120616_FINAL.doc
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Attachment 1- RBSP CC Reso (120616)-FINAL.doc
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Exhibit A - Summary of Impacts.pdf
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Exhibit B - MMRP.pdf
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Exhibit C - GPA.pdf
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Attachment 2 - RBSP CC Ord (120616)-FINAL.doc
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Attachment 2 - Exhibit A Existing Zoning part 1.pdf
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Attachment 2- Exhibit A Rezone part 2.pdf
PDF Document  HOLD a public hearing; ADOPT a resolution certifyi - Attachment 2- Exhibit B - RBSP_CompleteSpecificPlan_rev.pdf