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RECEIVE a presentation and provide policy direction on a proposed ordinance establishing a Public Art Fee for private development - Library and Cultural Services Department (Katy Curl 620-6554/Michele Seville 620-6952).
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and provide policy directio - Agenda Request Form % art private final.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and provide policy directio - 12.20.16 Agenda Report % for Art Priv Dev.docx
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and provide policy directio - 12.20.16 CC Public Art Private Ordinance_Draft.docx
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and provide policy directio - PA Survey_Bay Area_as of March 2016 (2).xls
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and provide policy directio - 12.20.16 PAAC % for Art Info Sheet
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and provide policy directio - Percent for Art_PP2.pptx