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RECEIVE a presentation and ADOPT a resolution approving the Addendum to the Richmond General Plan Update Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and the final Climate Action Plan (CAP); and APPROVE an amendment to the contract with Environmental Science Associates (ESA) for completion of the final CAP, increasing the contract amount by $30,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $354,832; and DIRECT staff to include an option of purchasing 100 percent renewable "Deep Green" electricity for City facilities as part of the mid-year budget review process; and DIRECT staff to develop an energy efficiency and renewable energy incentive program - City Manager's Office (Shasa Curl/Adam Lenz 620 -6512).
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and ADOPT a resolution appr - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and ADOPT a resolution appr - CAP Staff Report.docx
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and ADOPT a resolution appr - Attachment 1 - Final Resolution - 10-20-2016.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and ADOPT a resolution appr - Attachment 2 FINAL Richmond CAP Combined Oct 2016.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and ADOPT a resolution appr - Attachment 3 Richmond CAP_Addendum_Final_100616.pdf