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REVIEW, DISCUSS, and ADOPT the proposed Fiscal Year 2016-17 Annual Operating Budget and the Fiscal Years 2016-21 Five-Year Capital Improvement Budget; or provide additional direction to staff - City Manager's Office and Finance Department (Bill Lindsay 620-6512/Belinda Warner 620-6740).
PDF Document  REVIEW, DISCUSS, and ADOPT the proposed Fiscal Yea - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  REVIEW, DISCUSS, and ADOPT the proposed Fiscal Yea - 6-21-16 - FY 2016-17 Proposed Budget.doc
PDF Document  REVIEW, DISCUSS, and ADOPT the proposed Fiscal Yea - FY 2016-17 - General Fund Modifications (6-21-16).pdf
PDF Document  REVIEW, DISCUSS, and ADOPT the proposed Fiscal Yea - BUDGET SUMMARY - ALL FUNDS.pdf