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ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625,000 in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services awarded to the Richmond Police Department for the hiring of additional police officers and allow a $2,111,227 in-kind match over a three year period that will be budgeted accordingly - Police Department (Interim Chief Allwyn Brown 621-1802). This item was continued from the February 2, 2016, meeting.
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625, - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625, - Agenda Report .docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625, - Award Document.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625, - COPS Hiring Grant Resolution.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625, - Financial Clearance Memo.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625, - Special Award Conditions.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to ACCEPT and APPROPRIATE $625, - Terms and Conditions.pdf