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APPROVE a contract with the City Manager that will provide for: (1) an extended four-year term from February 14, 2016, to February 13, 2020; (2) postpone a previously agreed to 6% salary increase but grant annual two percent (2%)deferred salary increases to his then current salary, effective July 1st of the applicable fiscal year, up to a maximum of three such two percent (2%) increases over the life of the Contract; and (3) authorize such salary increases upon the occurrence of one or more designated triggers for any given Fiscal Year from Fiscal Years 2015/2016 through 2019/2020 - Mayor Tom Butt (620-6502).
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract with the City Manager that will - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract with the City Manager that will - City Managers Employment Agreement Agenda Report 11.17.15.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a contract with the City Manager that will - City Managers Employment Agreement 2.14.16 to 2.13.20.doc