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RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent City Council-authorized public opinion survey relating to a potential sales tax measure to support pavement management programs, and provide direction to staff - Finance Department (James Goins 620-6740) - NOT PRIOR TO 7:45 P.M.
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Staff Report - January 28.docx
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Attachment 1 - Godbe Polling - Richmond Feasibility Survey Topline Report 01-02-14.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Attachment 2 - PCI Projected Current Funding.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Attachment 3 - PCI Projected Bond Proceeds Infusion.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Attachment 4 - current PCI map 16JAN2014 w title.jpg
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Attachment 5 - Overpass Beautification Report.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a report on the results from the recent Ci - Attachment 6 - Paving Presentation.pdf