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RECEIVE a presentation and report from the National Research Center on the City of Richmond's 2013 Community Survey results, and PROVIDE direction to staff as appropriate - City Manager's Office (Bill Lindsay/LaShonda White 620-6512). This item was continued from the July 23, 2013, meeting.
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and report from the Nationa - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and report from the Nationa - 2013 Survey Results Agenda Report 7.23.13.doc
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and report from the Nationa - NCS - City of Richmond Report of Results FINAL 2013.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and report from the Nationa - Demographic Subgroup Comparisons Report-Richmond FINAL 2013.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and report from the Nationa - NCS - Geographic Subgroup Comparisons Report-Richmond FINAL 2013.pdf
PDF Document  RECEIVE a presentation and report from the Nationa - NCS - Benchmark Report Richmond FINAL 2013.pdf