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ADOPT a resolution in support of the CA Senate Life Act Bills and authorize the City Manager to send a letter urging support by the California Legislature and the governor - Councilmember Butt (236-7435), Mayor McLaughlin (620-6503), and Councilmember Beckles (620-6568).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution in support of the CA Senate Lif - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution in support of the CA Senate Lif - Butt CC Support Life Act Senate Bills Agenda Report 21May13.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution in support of the CA Senate Lif - Butt Reso LIFE Act Senate Bills v2.docx
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution in support of the CA Senate Lif - Butt CC Support Life Act Senate Bills Letter of Support 21May13.doc