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ADOPT a resolution accepting grant funds from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in the amount of $413,000 for the Dornan Drive Tunnel Project; and approve contract amendments with TPA Construction Inc., increasing the contract by $255,000 to a total of $1,075,328; the Crosby Group, increasing the contract amount by $19,000 to a total of $60,000; and with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, increasing the contract amount by $2,000 to a total of $12,000 for completion of the project - Engineering Services Department (Chad Davisson/Andy Yeung 307-9091).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution accepting grant funds from the - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution accepting grant funds from the - 5-21-13 Council Agenda Report - Dornan Contract Amendment.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution accepting grant funds from the - Attachment 1 -Final Resolution Dornan Tunnel Funds.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution accepting grant funds from the - Attachment 2 -TPA Contract Amendment No.1.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution accepting grant funds from the - Attachment 3 -Crosby Group Contract Amendment No. 4.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution accepting grant funds from the - Attachment 4 -SGH Contract Amendment No. 1.pdf