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APPROVE Amendment No. 6 to the Kronick Moskovitz legal services agreement for legal representation related to the City of Richmond's intervention in the Chevron property tax appeal litigation, increasing the amount by $300,000 to a total amount of $800,000 - City Attorney's Office (Bruce Reed Goodmiller 620-6509).
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 6 to the Kronick Moskovitz l - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 6 to the Kronick Moskovitz l - 2012-12-15 AR(goodmiller)(cc) KMTG cntrct amnd 5.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE Amendment No. 6 to the Kronick Moskovitz l - 2013-5-21 amnd6(CAO)(KMTG) chvrn prpty lit.doc