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(1) REVIEW the proposed Term Sheet for post-collection services as negotiated between RecycleMore and Republic Services and authorize an agreement based on this Term Sheet; and (2) REVIEW the proposed solid waste collection services based on the Term Sheet, and other possible modifications to collection services, and authorize staff to develop a proposed agreement with Republic Services regarding these service modifications for subsequent Council approval - City Manager's Office (Bill Lindsay 620-6502).
PDF Document  (1) REVIEW the proposed Term Sheet for post-collec - 4.2 Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  (1) REVIEW the proposed Term Sheet for post-collec - 4-2-13 - Solid Waste Post Collection Services.docx
PDF Document  (1) REVIEW the proposed Term Sheet for post-collec - Term Sheet.pdf
PDF Document  (1) REVIEW the proposed Term Sheet for post-collec - Exhibit A.pdf