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APPROVE a grant-funded construction contract with Alten Construction, Inc. (Alten) of Richmond, the lowest responsive bidder, for labor and materials per the plans and specifications for the construction and remodel of the Port's Riggers Loft/Operations and Security Center at Pt. Potrero Marine Terminal project in an amount not to exceed $3,008,566 - Port Department (Jim Matzorkis 215-4600).
PDF Document  APPROVE a grant-funded construction contract with - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a grant-funded construction contract with - POR STAFF REPORT ALTEN AT RL OSC 7.31.12 D.FFCM.doc
PDF Document  APPROVE a grant-funded construction contract with - POR ALTEN CA PDF FOR RL_OSC AT PPMT 7.31.12 FF.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a grant-funded construction contract with - POR ALTEN PDF BID SUMM. RL_OSC AT PPMT 7.31.12.pdf
PDF Document  APPROVE a grant-funded construction contract with - POR ALTEN PDF CC MEMO RL_OSC AT PPMT 7.31.12.pdf