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AUTHORIZE a contract amendment with Wiss, Janney, Elsner Associates, Inc. (WJE) to provide additional structural and geotechnical evaluation to verify use of the Riggers Loft as an essential services facility to accommodate the Port Security and Operations Center - Councilmember Butt (236-7435).
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE a contract amendment with Wiss, Janney, - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE a contract amendment with Wiss, Janney, - Butt CC Riggers Loft Essential Serv Eval SR 17Apr12.doc
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE a contract amendment with Wiss, Janney, - Butt CC Riggers Loft Structural Eval from WJE 17Apr12.pdf
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE a contract amendment with Wiss, Janney, - Butt CC Riggers Loft Geotech Eval Proposal from WJE 17Apr12.pdf
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE a contract amendment with Wiss, Janney, - Is the Port of Richmond Underwater.pdf
PDF Document  AUTHORIZE a contract amendment with Wiss, Janney, - Port of Richmond Security and Operations Center.pdf