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DETERMINE, consistent with the terms of the Settlement Agreement in Citizens for the East Shore State Park vs City of Richmond (2006), and the Land Disposition Agreement between the City and Upstream Point Molate LLC, whether or not a casino use will continue to be considered at Point Molate. If the determination is made to discontinue consideration of the casino use at Point Molate, AUTHORIZE city staff to commence good-faith negotiations with Upstream with respect to an alternative non-gaming development proposal consistent with Section 2.8 of the Land Disposition Agreement. If the determination is made to continue consideration of the casino use at Point Molate, DIRECT city staff to take necessary actions to implement this determination - City Manager's Office (Bill Lindsay 620-6512).
PDF Document  DETERMINE, consistent with the terms of the Settle - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  DETERMINE, consistent with the terms of the Settle - 2011-04-05 stf rpt(Goodmille)(council) pt. molate lda.pdf