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DISCUSS the rights of the city to explore various development alternatives (apart from the Upstream proposal) for the Point Molate site and direct staff, in light of continuing controversy and legal complications that could well defeat the Upstream proposal or entangle the city in litigation for years to come, to receive ideas and suggestions for alternative plans so that the city may weigh the relative costs and benefits and responsibly rise from this economic downturn - Mayor's Office (Mayor McLaughlin 620-6503).
PDF Document  DISCUSS the rights of the city to explore various - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  DISCUSS the rights of the city to explore various - Pt. Molate settlement agreement agenda memo.pdf
PDF Document  DISCUSS the rights of the city to explore various - Pt. Molate settlement agreement AG-Mayor e-mails, attachment A.pdf
PDF Document  DISCUSS the rights of the city to explore various - Pt. Molate settlement AG letter, attachment B.pdf
PDF Document  DISCUSS the rights of the city to explore various - Pt. Molate settlement agreement, attachment C.pdf
PDF Document  DISCUSS the rights of the city to explore various - Pt. Molate complaint in Intervention, attachment D.pdf