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Supporting Materials
ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009-10 Operating Budget to align expenditures with revised revenue projections - Finance Department (James Goins 620-6740).
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - Agenda Request Form - City Council.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - Staff Report - FY2009-10 Budget Adjustments 9-3-09.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - RESOLUTION2009 BUDGETADJUSTMENTRESOLUTION 9-2-09.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - FY2009-10 Summary of Budgeted Rev Exp.pdf
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - FY2009-10 OPERATING BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS-ALL.xls
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - FY 2009-10 Program Impacts of Budget Changes.doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - Early Retirements - Tentative Chart 2009-09-04 (2).doc
PDF Document  ADOPT a resolution to adjust the Fiscal Year 2009- - Reduction in Force Chart 2009-09-04.doc